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Showing all 9 results

  • Collodion 30ml

    Collodion 30ml


    Collodion 30ml. Collodion is a classic product for creation of simulated scars (also known as Scarring Material). Collodion, which dries extremely fast, is first coated onto the skin. The skin is then pressed together to form a fold. The optical impression of a scar results. The artificial scar can be colored with Supracolor. Collodion contains ether…

  • Woundfiller



    Woundfiller. Woundfiller is a gel-like blood effect product for the creation of effective looking injuries. Woundfiller should be placed with a spatula into the lower part of the created scar or injury and will achieve a natural looking blood and gore effect. The gel-like consistence makes the injury look more real. Woundfiller may be mixed with…

  • Kryolan Scratchblood 15ml


    Kryolan Scratchblood Fresh Scratch is a fast-drying artificial blood preparation in 3 colors. It does not contain solvent. The dark version is outstandingly effective for simulating the scab on a wound.  Fresh Scratch is best applied with a stipple sponge or application spatula in typically effectively forms, and then allowed to dry. During the drying phase,…

  • Old Age Colour Wheel

    Old Age Colour Wheel


    Old Age Colour Wheel. Cream Color Circle is the classic Supracolor cream make-up in a handy round packaging with 6 colors and  is perfect for the design of different effects such as burned skin, a black eye, or the illustration of creatures and monsters. The possibilities with Cream Color Circle are virtually endless.

  • Kryolan Make-up Brush Set

    Kryolan Make-up Brush Set


    Kryolan Make-up Brush Set. The Make-up Brush Set made from synthethic fibers is suitable for applying foundation, concealer, eye shadow and lip rouge. This Brush Set allows a quick and professional application of the diverse products. The Make-up Brush Set contains the following brushes: Highlight Brush, Concealer Brush, Foundation Brush, Blending Brush, Eye Liner Brush, Lip Brush,…

  • Kryolan TV Supracolour Palette

    Kryolan TV Supracolour Palette


    Kryolan TV Supracolour Palette. Supracolor is a cream make-up preparation that has proven widely successful for decades. The TV palette has lots of TV favourites such as 3w, 4w, NB, Ivory and 8 other popular colours.

  • Supreme Blood Internal Dark

    Supreme Blood Internal Dark


    Supreme Blood Internal Dark. Supreme Blood Internal is Kryolan’s latest blood development and in comparison to any other Kryolan bloods based on a sugar solution. Food quality ingredients enable the harmless application on the skin, mucous membranes and internal.

  • Dark Drying Blood

    Kryolan Dark Drying Blood


    Kryolan Dark Drying Blood. Drying Blood combines a true-to-life color with a fresh-looking appearance once dried. Equipped with a higher viscosity and slower flow velocity, it’s ideal for creating realistic results on film, where coherence during shoots is crucial.

  • Liquid Latex Clear 30ml

    Liquid Latex Clear 30ml


    Liquid Latex Clear 30ml. Vulcanized liquid latex with especially low content of ammonia. Liquid Latex is used to create small latex appliances such as noses, chin parts, bald caps, and the like. It can also be used to simulate old or injured skin.
