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Showing all 7 results

  • Collodion 30ml

    Collodion 30ml


    Collodion 30ml. Collodion is a classic product for creation of simulated scars (also known as Scarring Material). Collodion, which dries extremely fast, is first coated onto the skin. The skin is then pressed together to form a fold. The optical impression of a scar results. The artificial scar can be colored with Supracolor. Collodion contains ether…

  • Woundfiller



    Woundfiller. Woundfiller is a gel-like blood effect product for the creation of effective looking injuries. Woundfiller should be placed with a spatula into the lower part of the created scar or injury and will achieve a natural looking blood and gore effect. The gel-like consistence makes the injury look more real. Woundfiller may be mixed with…

  • Cine Wax 40g

    Cine Wax 40g


    Cine Wax 40g. Cine-Wax is a wax product for the design of small 3D effects. The ideal composition of natural and synthetic waxes, especially the 50% share of natural organic substances should be emphasized. This exceptional product supports the make-up artist in his work. Cine-Wax meets the high professional standards in film and television.

  • Kryolan Scratchblood 15ml


    Kryolan Scratchblood Fresh Scratch is a fast-drying artificial blood preparation in 3 colors. It does not contain solvent. The dark version is outstandingly effective for simulating the scab on a wound.  Fresh Scratch is best applied with a stipple sponge or application spatula in typically effectively forms, and then allowed to dry. During the drying phase,…

  • Soft Putty 50g

    Soft Putty 50g


    Soft Putty 50g. Soft Putty is an easily modeled, soft wax preparation with especially good adhesion characteristics, for alteration of characteristic facial forms. Use a palette knife to remove wax, place it on the skin, and shape it there. Then moisten the fingers with gel, and smooth out the surface of the wax. Smooth and level…

  • old age stipple

    Old Age Stipple


    old age stipple

  • Devil FX Makeup Kit

    Devil FX Makeup Kit


    Devil FX Makeup Kit. Devil make-Up FX, Aqua, Red & Black, Facepaints, Horns, Sponge & Applicator.
